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The following guidelines are introduced to bring success and fluidity to the design process. Let’s go for the win win.



What if I don't like the final product?


At Brink Creative, we pride ourselves on fact finding during the initial engagement with a client, and then we thoroughly enjoy providing a variety of well-thought-out solutions during “design time”. While working together, it is imperative that a client is fully engaged, communicating any thoughts (positive, hesitations, challenging) and understands that we are going down a road together, working hand in hand. Any u-turns or backing up will require a change order, possibly resulting in more time and resources.



What if I don't like the initial design options that Brink Creative presents?


Then you tell us. We’ve encountered more than 300 successful presentations. In the past 25 years, we've gone “back to the drawing board” 2xs, and the response from one client, was “I feel like it’s Christmas.”



I know what I want, can you create it?


A successful design is the result of the proven distillation design process. We've gone directly down roads that clients have wanted us to take, which then led us to a dead ends. Backing up and turning around to start from the initial stages of the process accrues more time and resources. We've painfully found that there are no shortcuts. We encourage clients to be as involved as much as possible, while we guide the design process efficiently toward our goals.



Can I update my brochure myself?


If a client owns the current Adobe Creative Suite, then yes, updating is possible, but not recommended, as we prefer our clients to save time and money.



If Brink Creative presents 10 logos, does the client own all 10?


The client owns the final chosen logo and can pay for usage fees or to own the other 9 outright.



Can you please send me the logo you designed for me 20 years ago?


At Brink Creative, we store some files and there are hourly fees to unarchive files, as file storage takes time and resources.



The color from my ink jet printer doesn't match the color of my business cards. What happened?


Color management is a time intensive craft. We will be dedicating a section of this website to the important topic of color management in the near future. For now, here's a short response: with so many varying applications these days, a perfect color match from a Pantone book to an offset press is just a start to the challenge. The variance can be surprisingly great, due to many variables. The adaption of that color to other forms of printing (ink jet, laser, offset...) opens up a world of challenges. Then we have monitors and devices, oh my! At Brink Creative, we offer solutions for brand management through planning, proofing and creative color solving throughout the execution of applications. The most important one, which saves many a headache, is to know that there is “no such thing as a perfect print job” (said the brilliant Teri McCarthy). Instead, let’s embrace and develop a consistent “brand palette” that offers consistency within a range of what is.



Can you give us some quick ideas for our logo?


Great ideas are developed from the Brink Creative proven distillation design process, which we can expedite for a rush fee.



I heard about a printer who is really inexpensive, can you please get an estimate from them?


We have great relationships with our
vendors with whom we've established efficient processes. There are ways to design and produce print materials cost effectively, so let’s discuss requirements in the initial stages of the proven distillation design process and find the best solutions. We always have our clients' bottom line in mind and work to not have our clients pay for reprints, which often occur with "cheaper" vendors.  



Do you work for free?


No, our time is not free, but that's a really great question.




Is printing easy and is website development simple?


More great questions. Producing various applications is never simple, automatic nor easy. Especially if you want to love your end products!





Billable Time

The first hour consultation is gratis. Every hour after is billable.



A courtesy phone or text to alert the other party of tardiness is appreciated. If correspondence is not made, then a wait time over 10 minutes will accrue billable time (minimum $100) and the meeting will need to be rescheduled.


Client Responsibility

During the various phases of the proven design distillation process, it is imperative that the client is engaged and responsive, especially during discovery and refinement. We love when a client comes to a press check with us to learn about the intricacies of printing. 


Response time

Projects these days often move quickly and momentum helps them to keep walking through the process. At Brink Creative, we appreciate mutually responsive communication to “get er done”:) 


Right to Show Work

We reserve the right to show our design work in our portfolio. If there are any privacy issues that we need to respect, please let us know.


Kill Fee

In the unfortunate instance of a project being cancelled, a fee will be negotiated (to be discussed during the road map phase.) This may be the deposit, plus additional fees, depending on the amount of time accrued.


Change of Scope

We'll agree on scope while we're building the road map. If the scope of the project should change, client will be notified of changes prior to accrual and additional work will commence after an addendum to the original agreement is agreed upon.


Producing Great Work to Catapult Business,  While Having Fun and Building Strong Relationships


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